Taste a romantic evening by the gross

Taste a romantic evening by the gross

Price: 1.37 €
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Product Code:
SKU: B0430Q
Availability: In Stock


Sugar, hazelnuts roasted grated, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, whole milk powder, skimmed milk powder, almonds, roasted grated, vegetable fat, emulsifier lecithin, flavor "Vanilla".

A box weighing 195 grams (18 candies). Inside the box there are 2 Trays, each with 9 chocolates


Three-layer chocolate candies with delicate nut nougat, combine the brightness of elite varieties of taste of cocoa beans Venezuelan Criollo, Dominican Republic and astringency of cocoa beans in Ghana

The 100 g of product contains:

-10g protein

fats - 48,1g

carbohydrates -33,9

Energy - 602,0kkal