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"Minor" gross
0.70 €
0.70 €
Assorted Candies in dark chocolate with cream filling and strawberry with cream praline and condensed milk Shelf life: 8. Months
"Mixed Luxury" gross
0.70 €
0.70 €
Assorted Candies in dark, milk and white chocolate with praline filling on the base with the addition of whole, crushed nuts and crispy balls Shelf life: 8. Months
"Muesli with vitamins" gross
0.93 €
0.93 €
The product series "Healthy Nutrition", consisting of cereals, with the addition of dried fruits, nuts, candied fruits and vitamins Shelf Life: 6 months
"My favorite gift" wholesale
0.45 €
0.45 €
. Set of chocolates original form Net Weight: 183 grams Shelf life: 8 months
"New Wonder" gross
1.56 €
1.56 €
Wafer sweets with delicate cream filling, topped with crushed nuts and covered with chocolate glaze Shelf Life:. 5 months
"News" with cocoa wholesale
1.00 €
1.00 €
puff pastry with vanilla flavor and cocoa. Shelf Life, months. - 3 Weight box, kg - 3
"Nut" gross
0.61 €
0.61 €
Waffle candy coated with chocolate glaze decorated decor with rich nutty flavor Shelf Life:. 5 months
"Nuts" gross
0.92 €
0.92 €
Batch waffle cake with a high content nut Net Weight:. 230 g Shelf life: 7 months
"Nuts" gross
1.00 €
1.00 €
Cake Waffle "Nuts» Net weight:. 38 g Shelf life: 7 months