Packaging - the weight of things, Mr. 112 In the box, pcs. / kg 6 Weight box, kg 1.12 shelf life, months. 8 ...
0.70 €
0.70 €
A set of dome-shaped chocolates in a chocolate glaze. The case - chocolate hazelnut praline with crushed hazelnuts My favorite taste in exquisite packaging Packing. - weight pieces, g 215 In the box, pcs. / kg 12 box Weight 2.58 shelf life, months . 12 ...
0.50 €
0.50 €
candies flavored marzipan, decorated with chocolate flakes and almond marzipan coated with dark chocolate excellent Packaging - the weight of things, Mr. 150 In the box, pcs. / kg 8 boxes Weight 1,2 shelf life, months. 8 ...
0.81 €
0.81 €
candies flavored marzipan, decorated with chocolate flakes and almond marzipan coated with excellent dark chocolate Packaging - weight pieces g 90 In the box, pcs. / kg 8 Weight box, kg 0,720 shelf life, months. 8 ...
1.37 €
1.37 €
candies flavored marzipan, decorated with chocolate flakes and almond marzipan coated with excellent dark chocolate Packaging - weight pieces g 150 In the box, pcs. / kg 8 box Weight 1,2 shelf life, months . 8 ...
0.86 €
0.86 €
The whole nucleolus hazelnuts, clothed in a gentle cream and covered with a thin crispy waffles with chocolate with crushed nuts Packaging - weight pieces, g 150 In the box, pcs. / kg 5 box Weight 0.75 shelf life, months . 8 ...
0.61 €
0.61 €
The whole nucleolus almonds, dressed in a gentle cream and covered with a thin crispy waffles with chocolate with crushed nuts Packaging - weight pieces, g 150 In the box, pcs. / kg 5 box Weight 0.75 shelf life, months . 8 ...
4.19 €
4.19 €
Packaging - the weight of things, Mr. 210 In the box, pcs. / kg 6 Weight box, kg 1.05 shelf life, months. 8 ...
0.50 €
0.50 €
A gentle two-layer praline, decorated with candied orange and praline with almonds, decorated with coffee beans Packaging - weight pieces g 170 In the box, pcs. / kg 8 box Weight 1,36 shelf life, months . 8 ...
0.96 €
0.96 €